Sexta, Maio 17, 2024
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Timor-Leste Police Development Program (TLPDP) reforsa tan servisu organizasaun ba Feto FOKUPERS nian hodi intrega ekipamentus Computador 2, USB 10, Printer 2, HVS kaisa 7 no Toner Printer 4 tanba organizasaun ne’e fo asistensia no atendementu ba vitima no oan sira husi violensia bazeia ba jeneru iha Timor-Leste, inklui mos hamahon vitima no oan hodi sira bele hein prosesu justisa.
“Hau kontenti teb-tebes ho ajudu ne’ebé mak TLPDP ofrese ba FOKUPERS tanba ho ajudus sira ne’e bele reforsa diak liu tan servisu FOKUPERS nian. Hare ba numeru violensia bazeia ba jeneru aumenta ba bebeik, TLPDP iha hanoin atu reforsa liu tan servisu asistensia ba vitima. Iha tinan ida ne’e FOKUPERS komesa hahu servisu hamutuk ho TLPDP,” hateten Diretora Ezekutiva FOKUPERS  Maria Barreto foin lalais (26/10) durante seremonia intrega ekipamentus hosi TLPDP hala’o iha salaun FOKUPERS, iha Farol, Dili.

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Iha Timor-leste kuaze iha teritorio tomak akontesementu violesaun seksual ne’ebe vitima maioria mak feto tanba feto sensetivu liu.Iha Timor-Leste kuaze iha teritorio tomak akontesementu violensia seksual ne’ebe vitima maioria mak feto tanba feto sensitivu liu, katak sira la defende sira nia direitu nudar feto entau fasil atu hetan violasaun sira nia direitu husi mane sira. 
“Hau prontu atu fahe informasaun no habelar informasaun ba komunidade iha area rurais ne’ebe la asesu ba iha informasaun hanesan prevensaun ba violensia seksual no violensia domestika. No hau hanesan mata dalan ida atu fila ba iha hau nia suku atu inplementa material ne’ebe iha katak feto tenke defende ita nia direitu,” hateten Aurora Maria Pinto, Organizasaun Knua Haberan Komunidade (KHC), Viqueqeu, iha salaun Retiru Ex Seminario Dare, Dili, semana kotuk (19/10).

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Komisaun Internasional Cruz Vermelha (ICRC) sei implementa programa akompanamentu ba familia sira ne’ebe lakon nia familia iha tragedia Tinan 1975 no 1999 iha distritu Maliana, Sub distritu Boonaro, Suku Lolo-Toe.In Timor-Leste the victims of sexual violence are mainly women because women are more vulnerable, often they are not yet able to defend their rights as women, thus, making them more susceptible to the violation of their rights by men.
“I am ready to disseminate information in the communities, especially in the rural areas where they don’t have access to information on how to prevent domestic violence and sexual violence. I will be able to disseminate the material I received  here today, in my village to ensure they know how to defend their rights,” said Aurora Maria Pinto, from organization Knua Haberan Komunidade (KHC), Viqueqeu, at the Seminary of Dare, in Dili, last week (19/10).

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Tuir Ramilia da Costa, Manager Programa Uma Mahon Enklave Oe-cuse no Organizasaun FPWO katak durante ema barak kestiona katak direitu feto nian maibe realidade ema barak viola direitu feto.Tuir Ramila Da Costa, Manager Programa Uma Mahon Enklave Oe-cuse no Organizasaun Forum Peduli Wanita Oe-cusse (FPWO) katak durante ne’e ema barak kestiona katak direitu feto nian maibe realidade ema barak viola direitu feto tanba la fo oportunidade fa feto maluk sira iha area rural atu bele asesu ba iha informasaun no treinamentu ruma.
Manager Da Costa koalia hosi Ex Seminario Dare, durante tuir treinamentu Treinador ba Treinador ne’ebe oferese husi Organizasaun Naun Governamental (ONG) Internasional Caritas Australia, 17-21 Outubru 2011, kona ba oinsa bele bele hanoring treinadores habelar ba iha komunidade iha area rurais informasaun atu sira bele hatene sira nia direitu atu asesu ba edukasaun, no mos atu involve aan iha vida politika.

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