Sexta, Dezembro 06, 2024

Kompania IREH mai husi Korea halo reabilitasaun ba parlamentu nasional durante fulan ida hodi hadia pinta Parlamentu no mos hadia edifisiu prejidenti parlamentu nian.

“Ami hahu reabilitasaun parlamentu ne’e komesa iha loron 1 Agustu 2011”hateten director kompania IREH husi Korea Daniel Le’e,iha paralamentu nasional Kinta semana kotuk,(11/08).

Tuir director ne’e katak, halo reabilitasaun ba parlamentu ne’e mia tuir tenderijasaun mak manan.

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In relation to militants and sympathisers of political parties (ParPol) who are seen in motorcycle convoys around the capital without their helmets, Members of Parliament point the finger at the leadership of the parties and the lack of responsibility in guiding their followers to have more discipline.
“We must use our helmets because it can save our lives when we are driving any vehicle,” said MP Antonio Cardoso, last week, at the National Parliament, in Dili.
According to the MP from the FRETILIN party bench of the NP, during  the political convoys two militants crashed, “we cannot go the authorities because they are against the laws of transit. So to avoid these situations, as leaders we must inform out followers, in particular the youth to be more disciplines when ridding in convoys.

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Atu hanoin hikas loron Forsa Armadas ba Libertasaun Nasional Timor-leste (FALINTIL) 20 Agustu 2011, estudante husi Universidade Oriental (UNITAL) hala’o atividade kari aifunan iha semiteriu Metinaro,Dili.

Tuir Fundador UNITAL, Julio Guterres, katak loron FALINTIL importante atu selebra tanba maluk falintil barak mate tanba ukun aan ida ne’e.

“Imi sira ne’e mak sei sai future nasaun nian, imi mak sei kaer universidade ida ne’e iha future, tanba ne’e estuda didiak nune’e bele dezempenha ita nia ukun aan ida ne’e ho dezenvolvementu,”hateten Julio Guterres semana kotuk iha Becora, Dili.

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Fulan 4 ona lampu iha Palasiu Governu la funsiona, maibé Governu seidauk hadia to’o agora.

Tuir negosiante sira ne’ebé bai-bain fa’an iha area ne’e sente preokupadu ho lampu ne’e tanba impede sira fa’an sasan bainhira tempu kalan.

“Ahi ida ne’e la lakan fulan 4 ona no atu tama tan fulan lima maibé to’o agora Governu seidauk hadia,sa’tan agora Governu bandu ami atu labele fa’an iha tempu loron, ami tenke fa’an iha kalan maibé lampu mate halo ami fa’an sasan mós lakontente,” lamenta negosiante Roda 3 Julio Belo, semana kotuk iha Palasiu Governu oin.

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