- Publika iha: 07 Setembro 2011
In relation to militants and sympathisers of political parties (ParPol) who are seen in motorcycle convoys around the capital without their helmets, Members of Parliament point the finger at the leadership of the parties and the lack of responsibility in guiding their followers to have more discipline.
“We must use our helmets because it can save our lives when we are driving any vehicle,” said MP Antonio Cardoso, last week, at the National Parliament, in Dili.
According to the MP from the FRETILIN party bench of the NP, during the political convoys two militants crashed, “we cannot go the authorities because they are against the laws of transit. So to avoid these situations, as leaders we must inform out followers, in particular the youth to be more disciplines when ridding in convoys.
“So when members and sympathisers do not abide by the law and do not use their helmets when ridding motorcycles and when they fall and die, the family should not come and denounce party leaders because it is their fault,” said the MP.
In the meantime according to MP Domingos Mesquita from the PUN party bench, political parties when doing consolidation must coordinate with the traffic police so there is greater control of the circulation of vehicles.
“If they do not wear a helmet when going in convoys this will pose a danger to them,” said MP Mesquita.
He said within the convoys there may be accidents because cars and motorcycles travel very close to one another. “Sometimes they can crash and die because they are not wearing a helmet. So, to save lives it is best to use a helmet before driving a motorcycle,” he said.
TDW tried to confirm the above issue with the Traffic Police Unit in Dili but a representative was not available to speak to the media.