The Chief of the National Tuberculosis Program in the Ministry of Health, Costantino Lopes said 40% of the 5370 individuals screened through community household screenings in 2022 were found to be positive for the tuberculosis bacteria.
The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), Representative in Timor-Leste, Pressia Arifín-Cabo, said the agency will mobilise resources to support the government establish the reasons for the high number of stillbirths or babies dying in the womb across health centres in the country, and how to prevent these moving forward.
The Executive Director of the Alola Foundation (FA), Maria Imaculada Guterres, said Timorese society still believes in traditional treatments for cancer first, and this is validated by the fact 80% of women diagnosed with breast cancer turn to traditional medicines first and until their condition is grave before going to a health clinic, and for many this proves fatal.
The Director General of Cooperation and Institutional Development, in the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAF), César José da Cruz, said the government has signed an agreement for the extension of cooperation with the Government of Australia to continue the second phase of implementation of the To’os ba Moris Di’ak (TOMAK) program, focussing on increased food production in 55 sukus across the municipalities of Baucau, Bobonaro and Viqueque.
The Deputy Secretary General of the CNRT political party, Cedelizia dos Santos, said the party has women with political potential at the national level and all the way down to the local level and they will give their best and compete during the upcoming parliamentary election in 2023.
The Chief of Suku of Camea, in the Administrative Post of Cristu Rei, Matos da Costa, said the start of the new year of 2023, brought with it concerns for the raising prices for basic needs items in the markets.