Quarta, Fevereiro 19, 2025

Francelina Marques Cabral, konhesida ba nia kolegas nudar moris iha suku Souro, Lospalos, no nudar modelu diak ida ba feto maluk seluk iha Timor-Leste.

Anche servisu lorloron hanorin nudar Professora Profissional no mos sei estuda nafatin atu bele hetan nia Mestradu Edukasaun, liu hosi Kolejio Katoliku ba Professores iha Baucau.

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[dropcap cap="S"]emana ida ne’e ami congratula Governu ne’e kona ba nia inisitiva no servisu diak.
Editorial badak ne’e refleksaun ida kona ba lia-fuan Primeiru Ministru Kairala Xanana Gusmao iha nia diskursu iha okaziaun ba tomada de posse funsionarius publikus –tuan-foun nain 13,327, ofisial Administrasaun Publika temporariu ne’ebe iha 1 Julhu 2011 ba oin sai permanente, no balun hafoin besik tinan sanulu servisu ho kondisoens servisu la dun klaru, hetan sira nia direitu ba emprego estavel, renumerasaun los, no mos kondisoens servisu ‘adekuadas’, no mos oportunidade atu hetan avansu iha sira nia kareira professional.[/dropcap]

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Viral hepatitis kills more people than any other communicable disease in the South-East Asia Region, which includes India.  In the next ten years, over five million people in the Region will die of this disease and its consequences. Today, more than 130 million people in South-East Asia alone, carry the hepatitis B or C virus, although they may appear healthy.  It usually strikes people at their most productive age, and the cost of its impact, both to the family and the economy, is enormous. The hepatitis B virus is 50 to 100 times more infectious than HIV, and just as lethal. Hepatitis E results in 2700 still births every year.  For such a major public health threat, hepatitis has a low profile, among policy-makers and the public. Most people cannot easily distinguish between the four most common types of viruses that cause the disease– hepatitis A, B, C and E.

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[dropcap cap="K"]onferensia interesante tebes atu halao iha Dili fulan oin mai (4-5 Julhu 2011). Konferensia ne’e halao hamutuk entre Universidade Nasioanl UNTL no Universidade Victoria hosi Australia ho nia tema, “Konhesimentu, Atitudes, no Abilidades ba Timor-Leste nia Dezenvolvimentu.”
Konseitus tolu ne’e interesante tebes tanba importante tebes ba paradigma dezenvolvimentu Timor-Leste nian.[/dropcap]

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The Choirs from Santa Cecelia de Balide and Santo Antonio de Motael welcome the Darwin Chorale to Dili for a concert which all three choirs will be presenting at the Foreign Affairs Building on 6 August at 7.00 pm.
This exchange with the choirs has developed from a previous exchange in 2008 when the Darwin Chorale first joined with the Dili choirs and went onto perform at the Darwin Festival and the result this year is the same, the Dili choirs are performing at the Darwin Festival and as well several other community choirs, in August 2011.

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