Sexta, Dezembro 06, 2024

Governu Timor foin lalais ne’e lansa Relatoriu Metas Dezenvolvimentu Miléniu (MDGs) ba tinan 2014 nian. Jeralmente, indikador sira MDG nian hatudu katak padraun moris no dezenvolvimentu umanu hadia maka’as tiha ona iha Timor-Leste husi tempu independensia.

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Isu korrupsaun, koluzau no nepotismo (KKN) sai nudar topiku ho retorika politka aas no mossu bebeik iha media Timor-Leste iha tinan hirak liu ba, maibe maske iha retorika barak, hakarak governu no judisiario atu luta hasoru KKN demonstra liu kazu korrupsaun ida ho profile aas.  

No ho retorika ne’e mos iha passus pozitivu balun atu luta hasoru korrupsaun. Iha 2009 Parlamento Nasional, ho pressaun atu foti aksaun kona ba korrupsaun, aprova lei ida atu harii Komisaun Anti-Korrupsaun (KAK). Iha tinan 2012 nia final, KAK halao ona nia servisu no iha ona staff atu investiga kazus korrupsaun.

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La kleur tan Timor-Leste iha ona Lei Media no Autoridade Reguladora Komunikasaun, ida ne’e hanesan kestaun tempu duke ketaun deontolojika atu debate. Maibe tamba sa mak ita presija lei media ida, ou tanba saida mak lei ne’e sai prioridade ba governu ida ne’e?

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As the end of the year approaches it’s a good time to reflect on the achievements of Timor-Leste in 2012, and to look ahead to the challenges of 2013.

At the beginning of the year, many were anxious about maintaining peace and stability during the presidential and parliamentary elections, with fears the problems following the 2007 elections would be repeated.  This was also one of the concerns of the UN, so in 2011 the UN and the Timor-Leste government agreed UNMIT should withdraw only if stability prevails, the elections are held in line with international standards and both a government and functioning political opposition are formed.

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Semana ida ne’e Timor oan hotu hotu hakfodak hafoin rona konaba ba Kazu Rita Soares. Nia isin hetan iha Metiaut, ema kesi tiha nia, baku to’o nia isin dodok didiak maka soe ba tasi laran. Polísia kaer tiha ona suspeitu; nia laen rasik ne’ebé konfesa katak nia maka oho duni nia fen Rita tanba nia hanoin/hatene?? nia fen hamutuk fali ho mane seluk. Polisia hanoin katak iha ema seluk ida tan ne’ebé Polisia hanoin ajuda laen ne’e tula mate isin hodi ba soe iha tasi.

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Loron Direitus Humanus koalia kona ba hahalok aat ka atrosidades ne’ebe hala’o no kontinua mosu iha mundu tomak.

Loron 10 Dezembru nudar loron ida atu refleta kona ba deklasaroens ne’ebe fo brani atu hetan direitus, respeitu no dignidade atu mundar bele sai hasnesan liu tan ba ema hotu.
Deklarasaun Univsersal Direitus Umanus deklara nudar “padrao hanesan atu hetan hosi ema no nasaun hotu”.

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