Domingo, Fevereiro 16, 2025

Professor Damien Kingsbury Director, Centre for Citizenship, Development and Human Rights Faculty of Arts and Education Deakin University, Melbourne

As a still young state trying to establish itself, within itself and in the world, Timor-Leste’s commitment to recognising and upholding human rights, in particular civil and political rights, has been widely welcomed. For a people who have suffered such egregious human rights abuses, it is consistent that they wish to never suffer such abuses again.

One of the criticisms of supporting civil and political rights is that people also have other needs and rights, including the need for material well-being and related economic, social and cultural rights. What needs to be remembered, however, that not only are these two sets of rights not mutually exclusive, they are also mutually interdependent.

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Editorial Prof Damien Kingsbury

As Timor-Leste heads towards it parliamentary elections, it is increasingly likely that no single party will receive sufficient votes to hold an absolute majority in parliament in its own right. Despite claims by some parties’ leaders about the extent of their impending victory, none is likely in the manner in which it is being touted. As a result, the next government can be expected to be formed through an alliance or coalition of parties.

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As Timor-Leste heads into the 2012 parliamentary elections, and having just celebrated its first decade of independence, there is a sense that the country is at a critical juncture. Political competition is again heightened, as parties compete for public support and seats in parliament.

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Timor-Leste lau daudauk ona atu marka nia aniversariu independensia ba dala-10 no atu kompleta terseira ronda eleisaun nasional maibe perguntas ne’ebe mosu mak kona ba halo tiha ona konsolidasaun ba nia demokrasia ka seidauk? Ita hein katak konsolidasaun demokrasia nudar passo nesessario atu halakon konflitu internal no regulariza servisu Estadu nian. Maibe perguntas tuir mai mak wainhira ema ida koalia kona ba konsolida demokrasia ida ne’e signifika saida?


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Sirenes halerik fali ona
Bele hau hakerek karik tau sirene nia lia ho lia-fuan
Ema hotu SES SES SES
Monstru metan ida tan iha estrada klaran
Halai lalais la ba fatin ida
Karik ai sunu iha fatin ruma
Karik busa ruma halai ba ai-leten
Halai lalais atu ba ne’ebe
Lalais atu tama iha reuniaun ruma
Ema hotu SES SES SES

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Professor Damien Kingsbury
Diretor, Sentru Sidadania,
Dezenvolvimentu no Direitus
Fakuldade Artes no Edukasaun
Universidade Deakin, Melbourne, Australia

Estadu hirak ne’ebe uluk iha kolonialismu nia okos refleta elementus hosi nia passadu kolonialista. Timor-Leste iha distinsaun oin seluk tanba hetan kolonizasaun hosi poderes rua iha nia memoria moris ho ida-idak hosik ba kotuk nia elementus importante iha sosiedade Timor nian.

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